The hottest season of the year (both looks and temperature) is here! Leo season is all about channeling ur inner hot girl and finishing off the summer with a bang. There are lots of festivals this month which is great news because u have lots of opportunities to get dressed up and feel ur most confident. U might be feeling more bold and ready to take on things that would normally scare u, like wearing a bold outfit to a rave or dancing with a stranger. It's time to make the most of festival season and go all out with ur looks and ur vibe as u prepare for the final festivals of 2022.
If ur a Leo, I don't need to tell u that this is ur time to shine. Happy birthday to our Leo babes! Her are my top picks for those of u with Leo in ur sun, moon, and rising signs. If u don't have this fire sign in ur big 3, though, don't worry. I'll be posting a new guide each month so keep an eye out for next month when I go over you rave babes with Virgo in ur sun, moon, and rising.
Leo Sun
Leo sun babes are the life of the party. Ur probably the one at the festival who isn't afraid to dress to impress, and u always manage to make a new friend when ur raving. U have a lot of friends, but ur loyal to the ones who matter most and always have their backs. Here are my top picks for u, Leo sun:

Leo Moon
With ur moon in Leo u might feel like u have all of the traits of a Leo but they may exist more deeply within u. People are often drawn to u and u have a personality that is easy to get along with. On the dancefloor u might be the one chatting it up with someone new or just feeling the groove of the music. U might like attention on u secretly, but depending on ur sun sign u might not show that as much. Here are my top picks for u, babe:

Leo Rising
U bring the drama, babe! But in a good way. As a Leo rising u know when to be the center of attention and when to be loyal to ur loved ones. Sometimes that gets u in trouble, but ur not afraid to speak ur mind when it's what is right. At the festival ur probably the one wanting to shoot content, but ur also gassing up ur rave babes to make sure they feel as confident as u do. Here are my top picks for u, Leo rising!

Not sure where your sun, moon and rising are in your chart? Check out this website that can give you everything you need to know.