Seeing festival after festival canceled or post-poned can feel pretty disheartening, but I promise you don’t need a festival to dress up in your rave gear! In fact, now is the perfect time to start experimenting with a new look or style.
Here are my tips for finding your new festival style and then capturing it all on camera:
1. Draw Out the Look
One of my favorite ways to start off my rave looks is by planning them out on paper or digitally. Doing this helps me feel more creative, and also helps me to plan out small details in an outfit that may be overlooked.
2. Add Some Accessories like Festival Braids
Festival Braids are very fun to add flare to your look and now is the time to practice and create new and unique hairstyles! While feed-in braids can be challenging at first, Youtube offers amazing tutorials. You can grab all of your braid-in hair right here on iHeartRaves.
Pro-tip: using a hair wax helps to get your braids looking extra sleek and stylish.
3. Glam it Up with Glitter & Gems
Glitter and gems can be used on more than just your face, and can take your look to the next level. I love taking apart my face gems or even my body jewels and creating a unique look from them. It allows me to reuse and repurpose my gems to new levels while still creating something awesome!
4. Don't Forget Background & Lighting!
A big challenge facing an at-home photoshoot is your backdrop and lighting. Amazon sells backdrop stands for a relatively good price if you want to invest in one, or you can tape/pin-up a fun tapestry to your wall to create a little studio right in your own home!
I personally use a backdrop stand and hang a white sheet from it facing a window for the best lighting. I add streamers, a fuzzy blanket, a bench, anything really, to create something unique for my photos! I also have invested in a ring light to easily adjust and prop up my phone, which makes the process for taking photos, or even tik toks much easier!
While raving is currently being put on hold, it’s important that we come together as a community at this time and fight back against this virus. Staying at home is a great way to keep yourself and others safe. Plenty of your favorite artists are doing live streams weekly so that we can still come together in this community and enjoy the music we all love - don't forget to watch this weekend's Countdown Virtual Rave-a-thon!
You can still #RaveAtHome, dress-up, take-cool photos, and enjoy your favorite music, all while keeping our community safe and heading forward to our next event.
And hey, at least when you’re at home you don’t have to wait in line at the bathroom or for your favorite food!
Stay safe and show off your own #RaveAtHome pics!
Xoxo- Hera (@sunflowerraver)