If there’s one thing that rings true about rave and festival fashion, it’s that everyone loves glitter! It's a beautiful thing when an individual can sparkle as much on the inside as they do on the outside. That's exactly what the founder of DiscoEyes, Jamie is like and we are thrilled to start carrying her amazing brand. DiscoEyes is known for creating all types of festival glitter products, including biodegradable glitter.
I sat down with Jamie, an artist, body painter and founder of this amazing company, to dig a little deeper into the creation of this fabulous new brand.
Tessla: So, I know you’ve been face and body painting for years. What made you transition into making your own glitter?
Jamie: I decided that I wanted to create my own line of festival glitter because I've incorporated glitter into my face and body paintings for a really long time. I've got about 12 years of experience using a variety of different types of face glitters on clients, models, festival goers, and of course myself! I felt that I was ready to use my professional experience to create an amazing product that is easy to use and that is available to everyone, not just professional makeup artists.

Desert Rose Bio Glitter, Turquoise Bio Glitter, Egyptian Gold Bio Glitter, Silver Spaceship Bio Glitter
Tessla: Why is making biodegradable glitter important to you? What’s it made out of?
Jamie: Making biodegradable glitter is important to me because I want to give people a more sustainable option when it comes to choosing glitter and cosmetics. It gives eco-conscious consumers a better way to have a guilt-free experience and feel good about the products they are using.
Our DiscoEyes line of Biodegradable glitters are made from sustainably grown eucalyptus trees sourced from farms in Europe. We mix the special blends with 91% organic aloe vera leaf juice, plus a bit of organic lavender, to create a beautiful glitter gel that glides on smooth and stays on for hours. This is ideal for ravers and festival goers because it allows for easy application on the dancefloor without having to use harsh glues or adhesives, or even a mirror!
Something funny I want to mention is that the name DiscoEyes came so randomly. In 2012 right before Burning Man, I found a framed poster of Mona Lisa at a local yard sale. I glued glitter to Mona Lisa's face and painted over her so she looked like she had makeup on. Then I got some glitter paper, cut out the letters "DiscoEyes" and glued it to the poster. I used the DiscoEyes poster to decorate my mobile glitter booth at the Burn. Little did I know it would be the name of my glitter company 5 years later :)
Tessla: I also know you have painted murals and done things in public places in that past. What has been your favorite site-specific art piece?
Jamie: I would have to say my favorite piece of public art is a house that I painted in a residential area in Long Beach. It makes so many people smile when they walk past it, and I've been told it's even brought the neighborhood together! Like wearing glitter, creating art is all about self-expression, and it also inspires others to escape from their everyday routines. Art and glitter reminds us to have fun in life, and that we don't have to be so serious :)

Tessla: What was your first festival/rave?
Jamie: My first rave was called Narnia, and that was in 1999. We got a bunch of friends together and drove out to a place called the "dustbowl" near San Diego. I remember walking up to the rave and being entranced by the thumping bass. We explored all the different areas and rooms and danced all night until the morning. The people were just magical and I knew I had stumbled upon something very special!
Face & Body paint with DiscoEyes Opalescence Cosmic Glitter. Photo from @jamiejanettart
Tessla: How has festival and rave culture inspired you?
Jamie: At festivals and raves, creativity goes above and beyond. People really stretch the limits of what can be done! Festival and rave culture have been a huge part of my life since high school. I am now in my 30's, and rave and festival culture are more apart of my life than ever! You can become the person you've always wanted to be, without being judged. We're just all trying to express ourselves and create an amazing experience. I hope that DiscoEyes Glitter can embody the same ideals, and help people to let their lights shine.
Face Paint with DiscoEyes Pink Sunset Cosmic Glitter. Photo from @jamiejanettart
Tessla: Can you give us a festival pro-tip?
Jamie: My festival pro-tip would be to carry your DiscoEyes festival glitter in your backpack or fannypack so you always have it handy. Then when you see someone whose vibe you love, ask them if they'd like some too! It's a great way to meet new people, and you'll be able to spot their shining faces in the crowd. You might even meet some of your new festie besties!
Opalescence Cosmic Glitter, Turquoise Bio Glitter, Egyptian Gold Bio Glitter,
Tessla: What are you most excited about in beauty/fashion right now?
Jamie: The most exciting thing in beauty and fashion to me are the unique styles and creations! I feel like we are in the most creative era of fashion right now, because people are taking more chances and wearing the most brightly colored, eclectic, and off-the-wall outfits. There are no rules! And that's what makes it fun.

Body Painting by Jamie. Photo from @jamiejanettart
Tessla: What’s your favorite mythical creature and why?
Jamie: I would have to say to this day Unicorns are my favorite. When I was a kid, I drew them in my notebooks in school, and during recess, on rainy days I used to charge .25 cents to make unicorn drawings for the other kids. It was then that I decided to have my own business when I grew up.
Tessla: What’s a song or DJ you’ll never stop listening to?
Jamie: I will never stop listening to Mark Farina's "Mushroom Jazz" albums. I'd listen to these albums on the way to parties and raves, or just hanging out. They never get old.
Photo from @jamiejanettart
Tessla: What does the future hold for Disco Eyes?
Jamie: The future of DiscoEyes is all about creating fun festival makeup products for self-expression and making them accessible to all. The icing on the cake is that our products are sustainably produced, and contain the best possible ingredients - I hope that this will inspire other cosmetic products to do the same. I see DiscoEyes growing to be a trusted brand that people get inspired by and feel great using when choosing a face glitter for festivals.

Jamie working her magic at City Hearts Festival. Photo from @jamiejanettart