Remember walking into your first rave? Walking through those festival doors was like walking through the neon-lit gates of electronic heaven. If your first experience was anything like mine, you felt like you were shuffling into an entirely new world with some of your closest friends as your guide to the stars. If it wasn’t for my sequin-covered squad, I may have never lost my festival virginity and discovered my love for EDM and raving. My entire world shifted from ordinary to extraordinary because a group of ravers took me by the hand and introduced me to their world. It’s so important to share our world with others. So, if you’re a raving pro, be the star-traveling guide you needed as a newbie. And, if you are a festival first-timer here’s a few must-have essentials.
Model: Mikayla Shiann

iHeartRaves offers tons of shoe options in multiple styles and colors that are perfect and affordable for all types of festivals!
Clothes for Layering
Festivals can be warm AF during the day. Although temperatures can drop at night, there's a good chance you might still be warm from all that dancing! Rave outfits are an amazing way to express yourself in new and unique ways. Wear whatever makes you feel like your best self, just make sure it gives your body the chance to breathe. Need some outfit inspo? Check out our closest full of gear for women and men.
Photo Credit: Kim Champagne, Model: Ashley Champagne
Image Courtesy of Gold Rush Festival
For more raving tips and tricks, be sure to check out iHeartRaves' Ultimate Guide to Raving. Happy raving!