Bass Canyon 2019 was one for the books. The 2nd annual Excision-hosted event made me so excited for the future. This festival will continue growing as the bass scene continues to thrive in the PNW. This year was exponentially better than last year - you could definitely see the growth in the production, lineup and overall vibe of the festival.
Photo Credit: @Rymazing
My favorite set from Bass Canyon was the Liquid Stranger: Wakkan Takeover. LSDream and Lucii were my favorite additions. This set was as magical as it was trippy. Liquid Stranger did not mess around when it came to this set. By far the best Liquid Stranger set I’ve ever seen.
Also, Dion Timmer got to play the sunset slot, and it was nothing short of incredible.
Photo Credit: Bass Canyon
There was such incredible art this year at Bass Canyon. Here are some shots from some local ravers:
Photo Credit: @907niki
Photo Credit: Mariah Kathryn
We had a very special surprise this year at Bass Canyon, we got Android Jones’, 360-degree, Samskara dome. This immersive art/audio exhibit was EXTRAORDINARY. It’s been all over the world & we were blessed to have this in our presence. If you had time to stop by, consider yourself lucky.
WAVES was also back at it again with their super impressive Space Dome. The Space Dome, hosted by Bass Therapy, was stacked with the best local bass DJ’s the Pacific Northwest has to offer. This immersive art experience paired with amazing talent was definitely one of the highlights at Bass Canyon this year. With image projection and incredible installations, this dome was out of this world.

Photo Credit: @Rymazing
Photo Credit: @celeste.nw
I’m definitely not alone when I say this festival was incredible. Read what some other headbangers have to say about Bass Canyon 2019:
“Everything about Bass Canyon makes it my favorite festival. Having only one stage so we never miss a set together is perfect! My camping squad made a village amongst 4 passes so we had a blast both and outside of the venue! This year was definitely my favorite so far!” - @kristin_sonnier

Photo Credit: @kristin_sonnier
“Bass Canyon was new and different this year than last from the way I got to see the festival. I worked hospitality--which is helping prepare for the artists' arrival and checking on them to make sure they are comfortable and happy--for the first two days. It helped me appreciate how much goes on behind the scenes that most people don't even realize is necessary, like keeping the light and visual guys hydrated so the show can go on! I also work with Bass Therapy who put on the Space Dome, and to see its transformation from the foam party stage from last year blew my mind. We've come so far as a company this year, and it's really exciting to see the same artists playing on the main stage at the Gorge playing our shows.”
Photo Credit: @lady.nyxx
Look at this babe decked out in iHeartRaves!
Photo Credit: @siaracurrie
Check out this massive Ganja White Night family meet up!
Photo Credit: @JebraanLames (submitted by Cammy Emmons)
Love was definitely in the air at Bass Canyon. There’s no doubt that these couples will remember Bass Canyon forever. Couldn’t imagine a more perfect backdrop for this perfect moment!
@katsandmicevn’s fiancé proposed during Funtcase’sset!
Photo Credit: @katsandmicevn
We arrived at the pre-party almost an hour late and my boyfriend, Chase went to fill his water pack. While he was trying to hurry his way back to me, he fell in a hole, rolled out of it and continued to find me. When he got to me he was in complete agony. His right shoulder was protruding up about 2 inches. After a long night in the medic tent, we missed the pre-party and just went to bed. The next morning we got up and went to the local ER. He tore his AC ligament. I spent most the time in the car crying and wanting to go home. By the time we got out of the hospital and back to the campsite, I had 40 minutes to get ready. My best friend was there waiting for me with my outfit. She helped me “Cinderella that shit” and we were off to the ball. The Dr from the night before, offered us a ride in, bypassing the lines so Chase’s arm wouldn’t get hit and bumped standing in line. Once we were in we found a cozy spot and let our freak flags fly. During Sullivan King’s set, he dropped Linkin Parks song, "Bleed it out", Chase grabbed me when the song was over and did a kandi trade with me. He then got on his knee, my bestie handed him a ring and he asked me to be his wife. When I said yes the crowd went crazy. And talk about making the moment ten times more magical, there happened to be a photographer there by the name of Jess Bernstein who captured the most perfect picture. Wedding bells on stage for Bass canyon 2020? To read to whole story, follow our page on Facebook #fairlyoddraveparents
Picture Credit: Chase Hodge & Bass Canyon
I know I'm not alone when I say I cannot wait for next year. Bass Canyon is a place 20,000 headbangers call: Home, and it's for a good reason.

Photo Credit: @Rymazing
Loved this festival. It was my first. I’ve been to countless local shows and NOTHING can compare to this! It definitely is home. I guess my mom got her wish. I’ll be going back to the Midwest every Christmas to see me family and try to survive through the cold. With every summer I’ll be going back “home” for X-mass ;)! I won’t miss it for the world! Cya in 2020!