House and Techno music was created by Black artists and the rave community was originally created as a safe space for Black and Brown people. Today, the rave community is still a safe space for people from many backgrounds and experiences, and we see that through how PLUR (peace, love, unity, respect) is an important part of the scene today.
With everything that has happened since June, it is more important than ever to elevate Black voices, especially in our rave community, and to continue to do so.
It was hard to narrow it down, but I identified 8 Black ravers in the community that everyone should follow on social media. These ravers are talented individuals that use their platform to express their creativity and promote PLUR! I had the pleasure of speaking with them to learn more about their involvement and thoughts on the rave community - check out their answers below!
@gaeaxnelle is one of the founders of @melaninravers, which is a brand that is elevating and uplifting Black Ravers in the community. She also uses her own account to model and promote positivity!

What are some goals that you have with your page @melaninravers?
I would love to start a website similar to how our Instagram is run but with more things. A merch shop that sells Black artist's limited edition designs that showcase what Melanin Ravers is in their style and just another way for us to all connect. Also would love to do in-person interviews with Black ravers, performers, DJs- you name it.
What has been your biggest achievement so far?
My biggest achievement is providing a safe place and platform for my fellow beautiful Black ravers in a community most people forget was founded by us and also how far the name Melanin Ravers has gotten. I am my worst critic and I thought no one would really follow us; let alone see 5,000+ followers and the collaborations and acknowledgment from other EDM platforms is like the cherry on top of a sundae.
Any final thoughts you’d like to share?
I would love to make it known that all we strive for is representation and for us to matter in this world, in and out of the EDM community. As I tell everyone, “You are loved, you are appreciated, and you’re seen.”
The host of @abtvibes_podcast, this babe is smart, bold, and beautiful. Plus, she has amazing taste in fashion!

How/when did you first get involved with the EDM community?
I first got involved way back in 2012. I started getting into EDM music during high school and had a few friends that would tell me all about EDC. It was after watching the EDC 2012 aftermovie I decided that 2013 was the year I finally go. Literally changed my life forever!
One of the foundations of raves is PLUR - peace love, unity, respect. Do you feel there’s ever been a time when you didn’t feel one of those core values within the community?
Yes, unfortunately. I have been to a few shows over the years where there were some people in the crowd that would just push through without even saying excuse me. Seriously a simple "excuse me" or "my bad" goes a long way. Trust me, I get it. There is a ton of people and you want to get to the front to see your favorite artist that you've been waiting ALL night to see. But that is no excuse to be rude about it. Nothing PLUR about being a jerk.
How can we make this better as a community?
Just treat others how you would like to be treated. Inside AND outside of the festival. The EDM community is known to be an extremely loving community, so everyone needs to do their part to keep that alive and not tarnish that reputation.
Any final thoughts you’d like to share?
I honestly can't wait until I can step foot inside of a festival again. I miss my community as a whole SO much, but I believe we can and will get through these tough times together.
Talk about festie bestie goals! These two gals have the cutest instagram with awesome photography that showcases their festival adventures and beyond.

How/when did you first get involved with the EDM community?
We’ve always been into EDM separately but dived into the EDM scene together back in 2018 with Okeechobee Fest. It was our first festival together and honestly one of the best to date. The weekend started with Bassnectar and it was only up from there. Ever since Okeechobee we’ve been chasing wubz ever since.
What advice would you give yourself 5 years ago?
If we could go back in time and chat with ourselves we’d say to remember the little moments. Time flies at music festivals. Between mind melting sets, great food, and the incredible company of your fest squad, three days starts to feel like three seconds.
Any final thoughts you’d like to share?
Lastly, we’d like to say once festivals and shows come back, it's over for y’all! We’re coming back better than ever!
If you love both raving and cosplaying,@aoisenko is an amazing person to follow!

The largest project I've been a part of is creating my Cosplay Odyssey magazine. I've been making small magazines during my college years and the last one I made, I titled it Cosplay Odyssey because it's one of the best adventures I've had. It’s a self project created to spread cosplayers and conventions, and it's something I plan to continue creating for the community. If you are interested in the past issues, please feel free to check out the link.
How has cosplaying and raving affected your life?
Cosplaying and raving 100% has changed my life. Both of these communities gave me a place where I feel I really belong. I began cosplaying in 2013 and raving in 2017. With cosplay, I was able to express my love for anime, art, and photography. With raving I was able to feel free with the music and truly enjoy being a part of something so huge like Music Festivals. It’s truly an amazing feeling when you meet new awesome people and can vibe over a common interest.
Any final thoughts you’d like to share?
Finals Thoughts? It would only be I hope that everyone can find their place in the world. A place where you can have fun and truly enjoy yourself. No matter what hobbies you like, no matter what you have going on. I hope to continue to grow and have fun with all those I am able to meet. Don’t be scared to cosplay or express yourself in the way you like. Always be your best self and live your best life.
@niasmilez is beautiful inside and out, and shows off her amazing styles on her Instagram page. If you’re looking for inspiration for outfits to wear at festivals, check her page out!

What advice would you give yourself 5 years ago?
Stay true to yourself and love who you are, that way when the people you are meant to be with come along you can accept that love and pay it forward.
One of the foundations of raves is PLUR - peace love, unity, respect. Do you feel there’s ever been a time when didn’t feel one of those core values within the community?
Yes, when I first got into the community I was met with a lot of gate-keeping online. I would join groups on Facebook to learn more about the culture and just see a bunch of people making jokes about how newer ravers did not know or respect the community. Also being a Black woman, I would often see people saying things I knew to be offensive but when I called them out- they used PLUR as an excuse for me to tolerate their micro-aggression. Raving and EDM started as a way for queer Black and Brown people to have an outlet since they were not allowed in “regular” clubs.
The concept of PLUR is directly related to Black and Brown people fighting for their rights and is inherently “political”. However, this was never mentioned and often swept under the rug whenever the conversation of PLUR arose. It felt as if a part of the community was silencing me and my experiences as a Black raver. Claiming PLUR was nothing more than an excuse to live life with no personal accountability which doesn’t align with those principals at all.
How can we make this better as a community?
Having big brands such as iHeartraves take a a huge step in the right direction. The community seems to be in a place where they are a lot more ready to listen to the voices and experiences of minorities in and out of the rave scene. Embracing this cultural shift makes our community grow in ways that didn’t even seem possible a few years ago and it’s amazing to see that.
Any final thoughts you’d like to share?
I would like to say thank you to all the allies that I have met in the community. Fighting for change isn’t easy but they are out posting, protesting, donating and being vocal about the changes that need to happen in and out of the rave scene. We need to normalize admitting that we don’t know everything. Normalize that it’s okay to be wrong and change your beliefs when presented with new information. That is how we help the community continue to grow.
@krystin_nicolexo’s outfits are always extremely beautiful and intricate. She’s well-known in the rave community for her modeling work that she has done with several rave brands. I definitely recommend following her if you are ever looking for outfit inspiration!

How/when did you first get involved with the EDM community?
I first got involved in the EDM Community in 2012. I was 18 at the time. Fresh outta high school. I've always been an indie rock girl growing up, however, my senior year I was introduced to EDM artists like Kaskade and Deadmau5 and that was all she wrote!
My first experience at a rave was Escape from Wonderland 2012 and I'd have to say it was probably the funniest, yet most rewarding moment in my life. I don't think I would be the person I am today without the experiences I've encountered over the years and the friendships I've fostered because of the lifestyle that has been engraved into this community.
What has been one of the most exciting projects you’ve been a part of as of yet?
I think all projects I have had the opportunity of working with have been exciting and also inspirational. I find that every new artist I have gotten the chance to know has been really close people in my life. I have always left a project feeling so humbled and motivated by the deep conversations that have been exchanged. I have recently been working with some companies on creating a bigger voice for BIPOC, with emphasis on mental health, as well as the Black Lives Matter movement. Being able to have a strong support system of active listeners, especially in the EDM Community as a whole, has been a lifesaver for me so I've been honored to create a space and work alongside others that want to see change.
@Partyperry is an amazing hooper and fashion kween! If you’re ever looking for inspiration about hooping or looking to learn, her page is full of amazing tips!

How/when did you first get involved with the EDM community?
I was raised in Las Vegas, so I always knew about EDC. I was watching the EDC Las Vegas live stream at 16 years old and I started raving by 18! My first rave was Life In Color with Adventure Club in 2014. I became a Kandi Kid and grew obsessed with rave culture! I spent hours on YouTube learning how to make cuffs. I still live by PLUR every day. My first festival was EDC Las Vegas 2015! I’ve been going to festivals every year since then. The EDM community introduced me to hula hooping and I have been hooping for 3 years now. Hooping is my favorite hobby and I teach beginner hoop tricks on my Instagram!
What has been your biggest achievement so far?
My biggest achievement is graduating college. I graduated from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas with a Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Administration with a minor in Public Health. My dream job is becoming a Director of Operations or Human Resources in a healthcare facility. I'm currently studying for the GMAT. I plan to pursue my Masters degree at UNLV.
Any final thoughts you’d like to share?
My favorite sub genres are dubstep, riddim, and bass house! Zeds Dead, SVDDEN Death and Snails are my go to artists. I just started learning how to orbit. Super excited to learn more different types of flow art.
@curvyravebabes has always been very outspoken about increasing visibility for curvier women in the rave community, and has been an inspiration since day 1. She has worked with several rave companies to increase their sizing options so that curvier women in the rave community are also included, and her page @curvyravemodels is also working to feature plus-sized women in the community. Her personal outfits are always beautifully put together, I definitely recommend following both accounts on Instagram.

What has been one of the most exciting projects you’ve been a part of as of yet?
One of the most exciting projects I have ever been apart of is one I founded called @CurvyRaveModels. I started CRM in response to the lack of diversity we are subjected to in festival fashion. I always used the Curvy Rave Babes platform to advocate for brands to have plus size ravewear and the importance of booking plus-size models. At times it felt like our message was fallen on deaf ears. I was no longer going to sit back and allow these companies to erase plus size women and women of color. I took it upon myself to create these opportunities and imagery myself. I reached out to various brands I’m affiliated with to propose a collaboration in efforts to uplift and empower everyday plus size women who may want to model rave-wear. A lot of these women did not know where to start in terms of modeling or lacked the confidence to do so in the first place. I want them to have the full glam experience, with the services of hair and makeup artists to help them look as good as they feel. Alongside the experience of a fashion photographer to guide them in front of the camera, who will capture their essence and beauty. We held our first photo-shoot back in January at the Rainbow Bathhouse before they closed their doors for good. It was so inspiring and left an impact on everyone involved. We all worked so hard to make it all happen and had something incredible to take away from the experience; not just pictures. I want more women to feel that joy we had putting a photo-shoot together. I want more companies to see the impact they can make when they simply extend their sizes and give plus size women a chance. I look forward to the day we are permitted to get together again and rejoice in building our portfolio and creating more magic for CRM post COVID-19.
What are some goals that you have with your page @curvyravebabes?My goal for Curvy Rave Babes is to continue connect, inspire and reach more plus size ravers. To remind them that they also make this scene so great and that they are vital to the community. I am in talks with close friends who want me to start an ambassador’s program for our social media accounts and a grounds team for upcoming music festivals. CRB merchandise is also in the works. It would mean so much to me if I went to a festival and saw people wearing CRB shirts and waving CRB flags.
Any final thoughts you’d like to share?
In closing, I would like to speak directly to my people because I know exactly how it feels to be ostracized and feel like you don’t belong anywhere.
To the person of color who doesn’t always see someone that looks like them in the scene. That was me; I been there. I remember going to my first EDM concert and immediately noticing I was one of the only black people in the entire venue. It can feel awkward at times but please bear in mind the history of our culture. We are the blueprint! House music was cultivated and popularized by Black and Brown queer people of color which later influenced a lot of the EDM genres we listen to today. They can’t erase the past or continue to push us away from something we were already apart of. Continue being uniquely you and remember you are not alone in loving dance music and raving.
For the woman that’s curvy, plus size, and chubby: we are here to encourage, empower and uplift you. We will remind you that you can wear rave-wear regardless of weight or body type. As we like to say at Curvy Rave Babes, festival fashion is for every BODY.
There are so many amazing Black ravers in our community, it was hard to narrow it down to just 8. Do you know somebody that we should be following? Drop their Instagram handle in the comments!
This is spectacular! I was hesitant to buy from this website before because I hadn’t seen any curvy, diverse, or alt models! But now I’m stoked to buy from this website. 🖤🖤
Thank you so much for taking the time to interview me and these lovely ravers. I would like to help put the spotlight on other black ravers at this time. @cookievaletine, @breelalacarter, @bassgardencommunity, @ladyvanityroux.