If you're following iHeartRaves on social media, chances are you've definitely seen some gorgeous hairstyles during our lifestyle shoots. From dying hair to creating glitter roots to space buns and elaborate braids, this Hair Wizard does it all. Introducing the woman behind the comb, Tasha Tripp!
I had the pleasure of meeting Tasha last December during our first lifestyle shoot with her. Instantly, I knew we had something in common when I heard she was going to Disneyworld with her boyfriend AND that she liked bass music. We talked about Disney and general headbanger things and I was happy to learn that she's just with both as obsessed as I am! It's been a lot of fun to work with Tasha over the last few months and I was so excited to interview this badass woman to help our readers get to know this amazing soul.
When/How did you get started with hair styling/color?
Hair has always been a passion of mine. In high school, I used to buy Hot Topic bleach and do crazy things to my friend's hair with confidence even though I had no idea what I was doing. Luckily, they always turned out well! I worked in the medical field and sales for five years but I got laid off from a position I thought would be my career. It turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me because it led me to following my (then) hobby of doing my friends' hair. I went to tour a Paul Mitchell School and totally fell in love. My only regret was not going sooner. I already had a huge passion for creating transformations and making people feel beautiful, now I would have the training to back that up and make my hobby into a career. I then was able to focus on the things I loved most, color and styling. I remember when I was in beauty school one of my instructors told me I would never make any money doing fashion colors, luckily I didn't let that get me down and I continued to work on what made me happy. Now I have a full clientele of mermaids and unicorns and I couldn't be happier.When/How did you get involved with iHeartRaves?
I have always loved iHeartRaves clothing, style and community. I followed both TinyDancer and MamaUnicorn on Instagram. One day, I saw that TinyDancer had posted her new purple hair on her story. I replied telling her I loved the new color and asked where she got it done. She was currently doing it herself and I asked if she would want to come in and create something really fun. She agreed and we made her into a real-life mermaid and instantly hit it off. Since then TinyDancer has become such a wonderful friend and I am so blessed for the opportunities she has given me to become more involved with iHeartRaves. They did not have a hairstylist for their photo shoots and TinyDancer (Kelcey) invited me to come and do hair for the first shoot she had full reign over. I think it was a huge success! I had SO much fun creating fun and wild hairstyles to match the outfits and help provide a complete look for those looking for their next rave style. In the salon, you don't get to do these styles every day so it really allowed me to be creative and I'm always so excited to create something new at each shoot.
When/How did you get involved with the EDM community?
My first rave was a small warehouse rave somewhere in LA in early 2009, it was new and exciting and I was instantly ready for more. My first big event was EDC 2009 and I was completely blown away. I couldn't believe that this whole world existed and I had no idea. I remember walking into the Coliseum for the first time and just thinking "Where has this been my whole life?" I was in awe. All of the people running around freely, not a care in the world. The lights, the music, the vibes... I had all the feels and I never wanted to leave. I had never experienced anything like it before, everyone was so loving and accepting, you could wear anything you wanted, as little or as much as you wanted and no one judged you for anything. It was the way I acted in my everyday life and I was ecstatic that I had found a community that was completely accepting as well. I remember moshing around the tiny bass pod stage in the dirt and just flowing with the people and the music. I was home. I have now been raving for 9 years and have gone to more events than I could even count!What’s your festival style? Can you describe the evolution of your festival style?
My festival syle is bright and comfy. I always just bought the brightest colored clothes I could find and matched my accessories to it. It's funny because I literally only wear black clothes every day, but at raves I'm full rainbow unicorn vibes! At my first EDC I had no idea what to wear. I think I wore jean shorts and a black daisy tank top with flowers in my hair, after that and seeing all the different styles, I was inspired to get creative. Over the years my style has definitely evolved, I'm still all about the crazy colors, furry everything and crazy hair, but after 9 years of raving, comfort sets in a little bit and you start to wear Nikes instead of light up chrome shoes. Furry boot covers are great at covering my boring comfy shoes!Tell us a fun fact about yourself!
I am obsessed with all things Disney! I have an entire sleeve dedicated to it and I've seen most Disney movies at least a million times. I know all the words to almost all Disney songs and if you play it in the car, I won't hold back from belting them out, especially Moana! I also go to Disneyland at least once or twice a month. Disney is another place I feel at home, just happiness and good vibes.
Tasha and her bae at Disneyworld
What’s your favorite type of hair styling for festivals?
I love braids, whether it's all of your hair in braids to fight the mess of a festival and not have to worry about doing your hair at all, or doing a half up half down with space buns, I love them all. There are SO many ways to braid your hair that the possibilities are endless. Whether your hair is short or long, there's always a style you can make work when braids are involved. Also, GLITTER! Glitter on everything lol.
I love your Instagram stories of your dog! Can you tell us a little bit about him?
I could talk about my dog all day long! His name is Teddy and he is a 7-year-old Pomeranian. I rescued him last September. He was an owner surrender to the shelter and I just can't figure out why someone would give up this perfect ball of fluff. He has brought so much happiness into my life. I've never had a small dog before (my last dog was a pitbull) and he is just the sweetest little angel and the easiest dog ever. He is 90% fluff and 10% dog, you would love him.
At iHeartRaves we believe that inspiring self-expression through rave fashion can be very empowering and liberating. Have you seen hair coloring and styling have the same effect on people? Can you give us some examples?
I completely agree! It is liberating to express yourself by wearing whatever makes you feel beautiful or sexy at raves and I definitely think that hair has the same effect on people. Sometimes when people come to me, they are nervous to try something new with their hair and it's my job to offer colors/styles/cuts that will compliment them. My clients trust me because I am open and honest with them, I want them to feel beautiful and confident when they leave my salon. I love the look on my clients' faces when they see their freshly colored/styled hair and their face lights up with a huge smile and you can tell they love it. You know it's good hair when they are already taking selfies and snaps before they've even left the salon. My favorite thing is when my clients send me selfies of their hair, thanking me for making them feel beautiful. It's the best part of what I do.What’s your favorite part about your job?
My favorite part about my job is the freedom to express myself through creating art via hair every single day. I am so blessed to be able to love what I do and look forward to going to work every day. No day is ever the same and that keeps it exciting! I am so thankful to all of my amazing clients for trusting me with their hair and allowing me to do what I love. I get to create lots of fun colors and even more fun styling for events. Making other people happy fuels my own happiness and creating beautiful hair allows me to do just that.
Tasha behind-the-scenes during iHeartRaves', "Electric Love" photo shoot in January.
If you're dye-ing to have your hair styled for your next festival (or just because you want to look awesome every day), you can contact Tasha for bookings here.